Articles and Publications of Interest
Charter School Rating Criteria —
August 2012
This is a response to Fitch Ratings Service’s proposed changes to their charter school ratings criteria. Fitch had proposed these changes in July 2012 in response to problems with several charter school bond issues they rate.
Empirical Enhance
Data — April 2010
This presentation analyzes the effectiveness of partially enhancing tax-exempt bond issues. It does so by comparing the spreads to the daily municipal market that similar transactions, two partially enhanced and two un-enhanced transactions, received on the day they were priced. The conclusion is that partially enhancing tax-exempt bond issues does not materially lower the cost of capital for charter schools, nor does it attract investors which otherwise wouldn't invest without the enhancement.
Novo Housing Report — June 2007
This article discusses a unique financing which combined New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) and tax-exempt bonds (TEBs) for a charter school in Milwaukee. It was originally published in the "Housing Bond Report" in June 2007, Novogradac & Company, publisher.